It's a sign

Last week I celebrated Simply Leap's 10th anniversary surrounded by balloons, cupcakes, wine, flowers and some of my favorite smiling faces. I also celebrated with friends and clients all over the world through my Facebook Live anniversary event. [If you missed it, check out the replay here!] 

Thanks to Rinny Patel for her beautiful space and delicious spread at Oak Vino Wine Bar in Beacon, NY, Pat Roza at Forget Me Not cupcakes for the decadent treats I'm still dreaming about (lemon raspberry!), and Emma Flynn for photography, balloons and being the best Simply Leap teammate anyone could ever ask for. 

[Keep reading below...]

The sign

On the morning of the festivities, I sat quietly on the porch contemplating what this 10th anniversary means. Also on the porch was Adelaide the umbrella tree, a gift from my college roommate that has moved with me at least six times over the years. 

Addie almost didn't make it here. Neither, frankly, did Simply Leap. There were moments when one or the other struggled and I wondered how they would pull through. 

One of those for Addie was also ten years ago. In the fall of 2006, I moved to a new apartment in Manhattan with the tree buckled next to me in the front seat of my Mini Cooper. The only street parking I could find was a few blocks away, so I left my things and her in there until after the moving van left.

When I finally brought her inside, the leaves that had been resting against the car window were wilted. Within days they turned brown and fell off. Then more leaves turned brown. Then the entire tree.

I was about to go on vacation, and worried what she would look like when I returned, so I decided to do something drastic. I built up the courage, found a sharp saw, and lopped off all her wilting branches while whispering I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry the whole time. She looked like a three-foot tall stick sitting in a pot. I watered her like crazy, crossed my fingers, and left on my trip. 

When I returned two weeks later, I rushed inside calling Addie's name and squealed at the bright green growth reaching out from the top of her stump.

She found a way through then, and has continued to ever since. Ten years later, she is on the porch, taking in the sun and rain, and letting little spiders build webs in her branches. She's had three new growths just since June, which might be a record for her. 

On the morning I was reminiscing about Simply Leap's anniversary, Addie was showing off her newest addition. A tiny bright green growth close to the spot where the other new growth happened 10 years ago. If a tree has anniversaries, this might be how it looks. 

It felt like a sign. It wasn't the most direct path to get here, but Addie keeps finding new ways to thrive. Simply Leap does too. We've grown with a new team, a new website, and a soon-to-be new book. I announced the name of it during my Facebook Live event so definitely watch and let me know what you think! 

There is more growth to come, for Addie, Simply Leap and you. 

You are here for a reason

If you look around right now, maybe even to the people and things you see every day, there is a sign waiting for you, too.

A sign that you have made it. A sign that you're better than ever. A sign that something more amazing than you can imagine is on the way. 

What is your sign? 

I want to hear about it. Please share in comments below, or in our Life-Lovers and Simply Leaper's community on Facebook. [If you haven't yet, sign up here to receive an invitation to join us.]

It feels like a sign you're reading this today, doesn't it?