Overwhelmed? This will help.

Watching the news, talking to friends, hearing what’s happening around you and around the world can all feel like too much.

What can you possibly do to help?

I’ve been searching lately myself, cycling through feeling lost by what I see and hear and then feeling incapable of making “enough” of a difference to matter.

That thinking isn’t useful for anyone, especially ourselves.

This quote appeared at the perfect time to remind me what’s most important. I hope it helps you too.

I have another idea that could help — keep reading to learn about my #RealMail #HugTour.

What we do today, right where we are, matters more than we’ll ever know. Every compliment and thoughtful gesture ripples out wider and wider into our circles and beyond.

What’s something we can do today?

Share more love.

  • Love for ourselves. Time away from phones reading in quiet corners and walking along silent trails. Carve out at least 15 gloriously still minutes for yourself today. You deserve it.

  • Love for others. Buy a stranger coffee, call someone you care about, hug like you mean it (always my favorite). All of these require us to be present with the other person, aware of where we are right now and who is here with us.

We have each other.

I’m so glad to have you on this journey with me.

Want to join me in sharing more love??

Starting this week, I’m sending Real Mail HUGS to friends, family, clients, readers, and loved ones around the world. I’d love to add you to my list.

If you or someone you know would enjoy Hugs in their mailbox, share your address here:

I believe in you and what’s possible when we work together.

A simple thanks-giving activity

It's nearly the season of turkey and twinkle lights here in the U.S.

And the season of plans, parties, year-end everything and exhaustion.  

In the spare moments between rushing around to fit it all in, here's a simple activity to remind yourself what this time of year is really about.

First, a quote shared by Gratefulness.org. If you aren't already receiving them, their daily emails feel like a meditative practice. 

Now, the activity:

  1. Ask yourself: Who has rekindled your inner light?
  2. Imagine their smiling faces in front of you. 
  3. Smile back at them. While driving in your car, riding public transportation or standing in a check-out line let a real smile wash over your face and send them appreciation and love.

BONUS: Send them a message thanking them for the role they've played in your life.   

THE BEST BONUS OF ALL: Hug them like you mean it. 

The bonuses are if you want to take this practice further, but the potency is in the thought itself. Step 3. Your thoughts are powerful - we talk about that a lot. You can do nothing else and a profound change will have happened, within you and them.

These friends, colleagues and loved ones deserve your appreciation. They may have seen you through a dark time or been a constant presence you could count on. Your smiling thoughts and warm virtual or physical embrace could be what they need. More than you know.

Who has rekindled your inner light?

I'd love to hear your stories. Comment below, email me or tag your loved ones on my Instagram post.

Wherever you are in the world and however you celebrate this time of year, know how grateful I am for your presence in the Simply Leap community. Your ideas and encouragement - your light - has rekindled mine countless times.

I'm smiling at you right now.