Check more off your to-do list

Don’t you just love a completed to-do list?

That satisfying check, check, check.

The issue for many of us is that we rarely reach completion. We walk away from work at the end of the day with a weary sigh of all that is still left to do, instead of celebrating all that was accomplished.

Why is that? I blame the design of our to-do lists.

If, like me, it helps to capture everything in one place so you don't forget anything, that list quickly becomes long and overwhelming.

It’s even worse if you then use it to track your progress and determine your daily success. You’re never getting to the end of that list, because you’ll always have more to add.

So that means you’re never getting credit either for all you do. You do a lot!

That’s why years ago I created a TODAY List and still use it.

If you already receive my newsletter, you’ll soon receive a Worksheet to help you implement the Today List into your life more quickly. If you don’t, grab the Worksheet here.

The Today List allows you to streamline what you see so you can check everything off by the end of your day, and ensure you feel the deep satisfaction of accomplishment you deserve.

I promise that you will also still have a place to track all your ideas in one place. You get both.

Have you found a to-do list method that ensures you can check everything off? I want to hear about it! Comment here with what works for you.

Ignite your workforce

What would you say with only had five minutes? That's the question posed by the organizers of Ignite events around the world, and by me to the attendees of the Government Workforce conference hosted by the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD).

I used a five-minute Ignite speech to show what's possible if you bring the format into the Government and work settings.

Please take a look.

Want help bringing Ignite to your organization? Let's talk!