Where were you one year ago?

This exercise will prove just how far you've come.

Where were you one yeaR ago?I woke up early today to walk through 2015, my cup of warm lemon tea, journal and favorite pen poised, and scrolled my electronic calendar back to last December.

It was a bit of a shock to realize that one year ago my mom had cancer.

I had nearly forgotten until I saw how filled each day was with all of her appointments. I remembered battling the snow a couple times to drive her to doctors' offices, coaxing her to have yet another test, and turning waiting rooms into my writing space. I was writing a lot back then. I had nearly forgotten that, too.

Those memories were enough to loosen the past out of its hiding place. Events of this year flooded in, many that I hadn't expected on December 30, 2014.

I started making a list.


One year ago, I was:

  • Helping my mom with her chemo. We didn't know that we were more than halfway through at that point. To see her so well one year later, and to remember the moral support I received from loved ones in innumerable ways makes me grateful to look back.
  • Saying yes. Last New Year's Eve I was square dancing! The friends I had made since moving back to New York State were inviting me to dances, bounce gyms, knitting classes, snowshoeing...and I said yes to all of it without giving myself time to second guess the decision. I'm glad I did.
  • Writing my second book when a third idea surfaced. Neither has been published yet, you didn't miss anything, but you'll see one of them soon! I was writing a lot one year ago, and remembering that encourages me to get back to it.
  • Worried about Facing 40. Lamenting that I wasn't where I was supposed to be by now. And then I decided to celebrate my birthday LIKE A CHAMP! Game night + laser dance party. Fancy happy hour at my favorite hotel bar. Weekend in New York City seeing an off-broadway show and walking through my old neighborhood on the Upper Westside. The experience inspired me to launch a program to help others face their 40's and create lives they love. The program continues in early 2016!
  • Building communities. In addition to Facing 40, I brought together more communities in 2015. In order to meet fellow entrepreneurs where I lived, I started Hudson Valley Women in Business (which will shortly reach 200 members!). To gather my most-successful clients so they could manifest goals on each other's behalf, I created a private community of collective magic called Simply Leap Elite. Finally, in order to hang out and hear more from YOU, my kindred Life-Lovers and Simply Leapers, I created our Facebook group. I hope to hear about your one-year-ago lists there!
  • Realizing that I wanted better relationships. Late last year I started seeing a therapist to help me help my mom through cancer, and in the process a pattern emerged as to how I interacted with my family, chose romantic partners, and treated myself. I would have never guessed how much more grounded - and loved - I feel 12 months later.
  • Getting ready for an adventure! Speaking of family, it was a glimmer of an idea one year ago that my dad and I would travel to Italy this summer. What an incredible opportunity that proved for both of us, and our relationship.

The more I dig into this past year, the more I find. We built a giant garden in our front yard. I worked in a chocolate shop for Christmas. I bought a car. I relaunched my book with a brand new cover. I reveled in the chance to be Aunt Lauree.

Creating this list for yourself is a way to take stock of how far you've come since December 30, 2014. You learned some valuable lessons, and did some amazing things. Please share!


Where were you one year ago?






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